
Best AI Chatbots to Use – Top 19 AI Chatbots List

The digital landscape is buzzing with advanced AI chatbots, each promising to revolutionise user interactions and business strategies. Leading the pack is ChatGPT, an innovation by OpenAI that has captured global attention with its conversational prowess. But with a plethora of options available, from Google Bard’s conversational flair to specialised chatbots for content writing and sales, how do you determine which is the best fit for your needs? Dive into this comprehensive guide to uncover the top AI chatbots of 2023, their unique features, and how they’re shaping the future of digital communication.

The Best AI Chatbots

  • The leader: ChatGPT
  • The runner-up: Google Bard
  • Open source: HuggingChat
  • For building your own chatbot: Zapier AI Chatbot
  • For searching the web: Microsoft Bing AI, Perplexity, YouChat, KoalaChat
  • For content writing: Jasper Chat, Chat by Copy.ai, ChatSonic, ZenoChat
  • For sales and marketing: ChatSpot
  • For tinkering: OpenAI playground, Poe, DeepAI Chat, Claude, and Khanmingo
  • For coding auto-complete: GitHub Copilot, Amazon CodeWhisperer
  • Meme about AI Chatbots. Image of man throwing his phone with text 'When you've been on hold for 3 hours because the company doesn't have a chatbot'

    The Best AI Chatbots: ChatGPT

    Overview of Features:

    • Model: OpenAI GPT-3 and GPT-4
    • Interactivity: ChatGPT allows users to interact seamlessly with OpenAI’s advanced AI models. By simply inputting a prompt, users receive a response in a conversational chatbot style.
    • Conversation History: The app saves your conversation history, ensuring continuity in interactions.
    • Customisation: Users can provide text commands to format and customise the output, tailoring the chatbot’s responses to specific needs.
    • Plugins: ChatGPT has integrated plugins, enabling it to fetch data, run programs, and access third-party services.
    • Integration with Zapier: With Zapier’s ChatGPT plugin, users can search for data inside any connected apps and trigger workflows, all through chatting.


    • User-Friendly Interface: The app’s design is intuitive, allowing users to start a conversation effortlessly and keep track of various threads.
    • Contextual Memory: ChatGPT remembers the context within each conversation, refining its output for increased accuracy.
    • Versatility: The chatbot is highly flexible and can tackle tasks across various disciplines with commendable accuracy.
    • Advanced Model: GPT-4, the latest model, is trained on a vast dataset, enhancing its flexibility and accuracy.


    • Occasional Errors: Despite its advanced capabilities, ChatGPT can sometimes produce factual errors or “hallucinations” with unwavering confidence.
    • Dependency on Fact-Checking: While ChatGPT provides information with confidence, users are advised to fact-check critical data.
    Meme about never asking ChatGPT for the reference of where it got it's information

    The Second Best AI Chatbot: Google Bard

    meme about how bad the name Bard is

    Overview of Features:

    • Model: Initially built on Google LaMDA, Bard transitioned to using PaLM 2 for processing user instructions.
    • Internet Connectivity: Bard can connect to the internet to fetch sources, even providing a “Google it” button for users to verify information.
    • Interactive Chat Window: The chat window can display search results, including images, directly within the conversation.
    • Prompt Editing: Users can edit their prompts even after sending them, ensuring clarity and precision in interactions.
    • Multiple Drafts: Bard offers up to three drafts of each output, allowing users to select the most suitable response.
    • Google Workspace Integration: Users can export their prompts directly to a Google Doc or a Gmail draft, streamlining content creation and communication.


    • Versatile Search: With its ability to connect to the internet, Bard stands out in fetching and presenting relevant information.
    • User-Friendly Features: The option to edit prompts post-submission and the provision of multiple drafts enhance user experience.
    • Integration with Google Services: The seamless integration with Google Workspace tools like Google Docs and Gmail is a significant advantage for professionals.
    • Dark Mode: For users who prefer a darker interface, especially during nighttime browsing, Bard offers a dark mode.


    • Initial Hiccups: Bard faced challenges during its initial product demo, which might make some users skeptical.
    • Comparative Experience: When juxtaposed with ChatGPT, Bard feels more conversational but less command-oriented, which might not appeal to all users.

    The Best Open Source AI Chatbot: HuggingChat

    Overview of Features:

    The Hugging Chat stands out as an innovative chatbot that harnesses the power of natural language processing and artificial intelligence to simulate human-like conversations. But what truly differentiates it from its counterparts is its unique focus. While most chatbots are designed to provide information and resolve queries, Hugging Chat takes a step further. It offers emotional support and comfort to its users. Whether you’re feeling elated, downcast, irate, or anxious, Hugging Chat is designed to recognize a myriad of emotions and respond accordingly, offering the emotional assistance users might be seeking.

    At its core, Hugging Chat employs advanced algorithms to meticulously analyse user inputs, ensuring the generation of contextually relevant responses. By leveraging natural language processing, it delves deep into the intricacies and nuances of user messages, paving the way for more personalised and empathetic interactions. And the learning never stops. With each conversation, Hugging Chat evolves, refining its responses and tailoring them to cater to individual users’ needs.

    What Makes the Hugging Chat Unique?

    The distinctiveness of Hugging Chat lies in its emotional intelligence. While the primary objective of many chatbots is information dissemination, Hugging Chat seeks to foster a deeper connection by emulating human conversations. It acknowledges the paramount importance of catering to users’ emotional well-being and endeavours to offer a sense of companionship and understanding. This commitment to emotional connectivity positions it as a unique gem in the vast chatbot universe.


    • Open-source: Hugging Chat prides itself on being open-source software. This not only ensures transparency but also invites contributions from the global community, enhancing its development and accountability.
    • Easy to use: With its user-friendly interface, Hugging Chat is a breeze to navigate. Whether you’re looking for an on-premises solution or a cloud deployment, it offers a cost-effective and scalable solution suitable for businesses, irrespective of their size.


    • Presents non factual information: Sometimes Hugging Chat presents non factual information.
    • Limited Emotional Depth: While Hugging Chat is designed to recognize and respond to a range of emotions, its understanding is still based on algorithms and patterns rather than genuine human experience. This means that, at times, its responses might lack the depth or nuance that a real human conversation partner could provide. Users seeking profound emotional support or complex emotional interactions might find the chatbot’s responses to be somewhat superficial or not entirely in tune with their emotional state.

    The Best AI Chatbots to Build Your Own Chatbot: Zapier AI Chatbot

    Overview of Features:

    The Zapier AI Chatbot is a cutting-edge tool designed to streamline various tasks by automating them. Unlike traditional chatbots that are programmed to perform specific tasks based on pre-defined inputs, the Zapier AI Chatbot leverages advanced algorithms to understand user queries and generate appropriate responses. This ensures a more dynamic and interactive user experience.

    Some of the main features include: 

    • Easy Custom Chatbot Builder: The platform boasts an intuitive chatbot builder that allows users to create custom chatbots tailored to their specific needs. Whether you’re looking to automate customer support, gather feedback, or provide information, the builder offers a range of tools and templates to get you started.
    • Integration with Popular Apps: One of the standout features of the Zapier AI Chatbot is its ability to integrate seamlessly with a myriad of popular apps. This means you can automate tasks across different platforms, ensuring a cohesive workflow.
    • Data Analysis and Visualization: The chatbot comes equipped with tools that allow users to analyse data and visualise results. This is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to gain insights into customer behaviour and preferences.
    • Continuous Learning: The chatbot is designed to learn from user interactions continuously. This means that the more you use it, the better it gets at understanding and catering to your needs.


    • Efficiency: The primary advantage of using the Zapier AI Chatbot is the efficiency it brings to the table. By automating repetitive tasks, businesses can save time and resources.
    • Customization: The chatbot builder allows for extensive customization, ensuring that the chatbot aligns perfectly with the user’s requirements.
    • Integration: The ability to integrate with various apps means that users can centralize their tasks, leading to a more streamlined workflow.


    While the Zapier AI Chatbot offers a plethora of benefits, it’s essential to be aware of potential limitations. Some users have reported occasional glitches and lags, which can disrupt the user experience. 

    Additionally, as with any AI-powered tool, there’s always a learning curve involved. Users might need to spend some time familiarising themselves with the platform to harness its full potential.

    Best AI Chatbots for Searching the Web: Microsoft Bing AI

    Overview of Features:

    As of February 2023, Bing has integrated GPT-4, an advanced version of ChatGPT, to enhance its search capabilities. Unlike ChatGPT, which has a knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Bing’s AI remains up-to-date, ensuring users receive the most relevant and timely information.

    This AI-driven bot functions as a virtual assistant, pulling data from the web to answer user queries. It understands complex prompts and allows users to ask follow-up questions, ensuring a seamless interaction until users find the information they seek. 

    Users have the flexibility to use Bing as a chatbot or a traditional search engine, with the added benefit of advanced featured snippets and integrated chatbot responses.

    Pros of Bing’s AI-Powered Search


    • Accuracy Concerns: Both Bing and Google’s AI technologies have faced accuracy issues. A notable incident involved Google’s Bard providing incorrect financial data, leading to a massive financial loss for the company. Similarly, Bing’s AI, during its beta phase, was reported to provide “unhinged” and inaccurate answers. While efforts have been made to improve, users should approach AI responses with caution.
    • Security Concerns: Bing’s AI, leveraging ChatGPT’s technology, raises potential security issues. ChatGPT uses user inputs for training, compromising data privacy. Bing’s AI poses similar risks, with Microsoft admitting to saving chat logs accessible to certain employees. Users should exercise caution and avoid sharing confidential information during interactions.
    • Data Collection: Chatbots, by design, can collect a vast amount of personal information. Extended interactions could lead users to divulge more specific details about themselves. While Microsoft assures that data is encrypted and stored only for necessary durations, users should remain vigilant.

    Other AI Chatbots to check out for searching the web: Perplexity, YouChat, and KoalaChat.

    Best AI Chatbots for Content Writing: Jasper Chat 

    Jasper Chat, a cutting-edge chatbot, harnesses the power of GPT-3 technology to generate answers in response to user prompts. Designed to provide a seamless and realistic conversation experience, Jasper Chat stands out for its ability to deliver human-like responses. The concept behind this chatbot is to offer users an AI system that not only understands but also interacts with them in a manner that feels natural and coherent.

    Some of its main features include: 

    • Conversation Memory: Jasper Chat remembers previous interactions, ensuring that conversations flow smoothly without deviating from the topic.
    • Translation: With the capability to translate input and output into 29 different languages, Jasper Chat ensures that users can communicate in their preferred language, enhancing the overall user experience.


    • GPT-3 Powered: Leveraging the advanced GPT-3 technology, Jasper Chat provides accurate and coherent language, ensuring that users receive relevant and contextually appropriate responses.
    • User-Friendly Interface: The chatbot is designed to be intuitive, allowing users to start a conversation easily by inputting their prompt. As responses are generated, they are organised in a left-side menu, enabling users to manage multiple threads effortlessly.
    • Diverse Features: From remembering conversations to offering translation in multiple languages, Jasper Chat is packed with features that enhance its utility and user experience.


    • Limited Knowledge: One of the significant drawbacks of Jasper Chat is its inability to provide up-to-date internet data beyond 2021. This limitation can sometimes result in the chatbot offering outdated information.
    • Subscription Requirement: To access and use Jasper Chat, users need to have the Boss Mode or Business Plan subscription of Jasper AI, which might not be feasible for everyone.
    • Word Limitations: The chatbot has certain restrictions when it comes to the number of words or characters in a conversation, which can sometimes hinder extended interactions.

    Other Ai Chatbots for Content Writing include Chat by Copy.ai, ChatSonic, ZenoChat

    Best AI Chatbots for Sales and Marketing: ChatSpot

    Overview of Features 

    ChatSpot is an innovative AI-assistant launched by HubSpot for their CRM users. Designed to simplify the HubSpot CRM experience, ChatSpot allows users to interact with the system using natural language. Whether you want to view a list of recent contacts or generate a specific report, ChatSpot is there to assist. 

    Powered by the combined capabilities of ChatGPT and HubSpot, this tool not only facilitates chat interactions but also performs CRM-specific operations. Since its launch on March 8th, ChatSpot has garnered significant attention, with over 7500+ installs on the HubSpot Marketplace within just a week.

    • Natural Language Processing: ChatSpot understands and acts upon instructions given in natural language.
    • CRM Operations: Beyond chatting, the tool can perform specific CRM tasks, such as creating a contact or generating a report.
    • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with HubSpot CRM, enhancing the user experience.


    • Simplified HubSpot CRM: ChatSpot aims to make the HubSpot CRM more user-friendly, especially for beginners. With its intuitive interface, users can easily perform basic actions without getting overwhelmed.
    • Reduced Dependencies: The tool empowers individual users to fetch reports or perform tasks without relying on other team members. This promotes efficiency and reduces waiting times.
    • Beginner-Friendly: For those new to HubSpot CRM, ChatSpot serves as a helpful guide. Instead of navigating through complex menus, users can simply instruct the tool in plain language.


    • Command Recognition Issues: Being in its public alpha stage, ChatSpot sometimes struggles to understand user commands, leading to occasional frustrations.
    • Time-Consuming: Some tasks, which are quick on the HubSpot CRM, can take longer when done through ChatSpot. For instance, creating a detailed contact might be faster directly on the CRM compared to using ChatSpot.
    • Data Persistence Issues: Unlike ChatGPT, ChatSpot clears all chat history upon reloading, which can be inconvenient for users wanting to review past interactions. Additionally, there are instances where the tool might display glitches or blank responses.

    New AI Chatbots On the Horizon: OpenAI Playground


    OpenAI Playground is a cutting-edge platform designed for AI experimentation. Developed by OpenAI, a renowned non-profit research lab, this platform offers a suite of tools that empower developers to create, train, and share AI models with ease. With its web-based interface, OpenAI Playground is revolutionizing the AI research landscape by making AI development more accessible and efficient.

    • Intuitive User Interface: OpenAI Playground boasts a user-friendly interface, enabling developers to swiftly initiate AI development.
    • AI Model Editor: A built-in editor allows for the creation and modification of AI models.
    • Library of Pre-Trained Models: Developers can leverage a collection of pre-existing models as a foundation for further development.
    • Visualization Tool: A powerful visualizer lets developers monitor the performance of their models in real-time.
    • Open-Source Platform: OpenAI Playground is open-source, ensuring that it’s accessible to all without any associated costs.


    • Ease of Use: The platform’s intuitive design ensures that even those new to AI can navigate and utilize its features effectively.
    • Customizability: OpenAI Playground is highly adaptable, allowing users to modify AI models to meet specific requirements.
    • Comprehensive Toolset: From a visual programming language to data analysis tools, the platform offers a wide array of features to facilitate AI experimentation.
    • Efficient AI Research: With its library of pre-trained models and visualization tools, OpenAI Playground streamlines the AI research process.


    • Model Type Limitations: The platform primarily supports reinforcement learning models, excluding other AI model types like deep learning or natural language processing.
    • Data Handling Constraints: OpenAI Playground is optimized for smaller datasets, which might restrict the complexity of potential experiments.
    • Computing Power Restrictions: Given its design for modest computing resources, the platform might not be suitable for experiments demanding significant computational power.

    Some other AI on the horizon includes Poe, DeepAI Chat, Claude, and Khanmingo

    Want to learn more about OpenAI Playground? Check out our Comprehensive Guide on What is OpenAI Playground.

    Best AI Chatbot for Coding: Github Copilot


    GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered coding assistant designed to assist developers in their coding endeavours. By suggesting code snippets, functions, and even entire files, Copilot aims to streamline the coding process, making it more efficient and less time-consuming.


    • Time-Saving: Copilot can significantly reduce the time programmers spend on coding by suggesting relevant code snippets, functions, and files based on the context.
    • Ideal for Beginners: Those new to a specific language or framework can benefit from Copilot’s suggestions, making the learning curve smoother.
    • Inspiration for Developers: When developers are stuck or need a starting point, Copilot can provide code suggestions similar to the intended outcome, serving as a source of inspiration.


    • Cost: While the insider build is currently free, Copilot is expected to be expensive once it’s fully rolled out.
    • Errors in Code: At times, Copilot might suggest code that contains errors.
    • Slow Code Completion: The code completion process can be slower than desired.
    • Flow Interruption: Reviewing code suggestions from GitHub Copilot can disrupt the workflow, causing breaks in the coding process.
    • Complexity: Some code suggestions by Copilot might be difficult to understand, especially for beginners.
    • Legal Controversies: Concerns have been raised about the legality of Copilot’s training process, with some believing it might infringe on copyrights.

    GitHub Copilot, with its AI-driven capabilities, offers a promising solution for developers. However, potential users should weigh its advantages against its disadvantages to determine if it’s the right tool for their needs. Another useful AI Chatbot is Amazon CodeWhisperer.

    So, what’s next?

    As we navigate the digital frontier of 2023, AI chatbots have emerged as indispensable tools, reshaping the way we interact with technology, conduct business, and even approach problem-solving. 

    From industry leaders like ChatGPT to innovative newcomers like Claude, each chatbot brings its unique set of features, advantages, and challenges to the table. 

    Whether you’re a developer seeking to streamline your coding process, a business aiming to enhance customer interactions, or simply an enthusiast eager to explore the capabilities of AI, there’s a chatbot tailored to your needs. However, as with all technology, it’s essential to approach these tools with a discerning eye, understanding their strengths and limitations. 

    As AI continues to evolve, one thing is certain: chatbots will play an increasingly pivotal role in shaping our digital future. Embracing them today prepares us for the technological advancements of tomorrow.

    Since you read this article, you might be interested in checking out What is the OpenAI Playground.

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